Money and Addiction

Do people with money have it easier? Should they be able to just put down the drink (or drug)? Does having it all un-even the playing field when it comes to addiction and mental health? 

I vote no. And that seems like an unpopular opinion. And for the record, I was dead broke when I got sober. I’ve just been thinking about the stigma quite a bit and how layered it is. Someone broke should stop wasting their money on alcohol and drugs. Someone rich shouldn’t have a reason to drink or drug. And I say this disease doesn’t discriminate. It takes no prisoners. And it certainly doesn’t give a crap if you’re rich or poor. If you “have it all” or have nothing at all. 

In fact, what bonds and binds us together is not the physical bottom or circumstances we experience. What we all have in common – what is exactly the same for each of us – is the emotional bottom. How we think and feel at rock bottom is what we have in common. And it doesn’t matter what the outsides look like. We’ve all just been there – that awful place where we couldn’t take it any more. 

I feel sad for Matthew Perry. He “had it all,” or did he? Was his alcoholism and addiction not as serious or the same as mine? Just because he had millions of dollars does that mean he doesn’t deserve the same compassion as I do? 

I just think our society has somehow confused money and opportunity with better mental health. That the more I have is directly proportional to the amount of stress, anxiety and addiction I’m allowed to have. And it’s not ok. 

Look, it’s not easy to be broke and addicted. That’s the truth. But I think it’s important that we respect everyone’s struggle no matter where they’re at financially. 

I think the underlying issue is twofold. First, there is a lack of understanding about the disease of addiction that leads to the stigma. Second, we have an empathy problem in this country. Not pity or sympathy, but empathy. We are quick to judge or even be jealous of someone who has more material wealth than us. We think “if I had their life, it would be so much easier.” Maybe. Or maybe it would be harder. I’ve heard it said that you can’t be too broke to get sober, but you can be too rich. And I find that interesting. 

For me, I’m just focusing on what we do have I common and give everyone with this disease my compassion and understanding. 

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